Calling over an expert or taking your piano to one may seem like too much work, but you need to do that if you want your keyboard to continue producing melodious tunes. So, what piano troubles can necessitate a call to a piano expert? Well, let’s find out!
Here are the most common four piano problems that might not be as trivial as you believe.
Sticky Keys
Coming across a stuck key on your piano once in a while is not a problem. It can happen, after all, a piano is a machine. However, if you start to encounter the issue frequently, you need to get your keyboard checked. Generally, sticky keys are quite easy and inexpensive to fix. But sometimes, if they are a symptom of a more significant issue, such as a missing component, you might have to pay a considerable amount of money to get your piano fixed. In any case, you will most likely avert a significant piano crisis.
Rattling or Buzzing Sounds
A piano contains hundreds of screws, and when they come loose, they create chaos inside the instrument. The most obvious telltale sign of loose screws in a keyboard is unsettling noises. When you hear strange rattling or buzzing sounds coming from your piano, don’t ignore them. Consult a professional right away; otherwise, you might end up facing a significant piano problem.
Piano sounds Muffled
Muffled piano sounds are a pretty common yet often overlooked piano problem that can become permanent without treatment. If you hear unclear, smothered sounds while playing your instrument, then the chances are that your piano needs high-level tuning and voice adjustments. Take your piano to an expert as soon as you start hearing muffled melodies when using the instrument. But be sure to move it safely to avoid damaging it.
Notes not Sounding Right
One of the most difficult-to-diagnose piano problems is inaccurate note sounds. A piano can sometimes lose its ability to sound a note or a group of notes correctly. It can happen for a host of reasons that a novice piano player or owner may not be aware of; therefore, consulting a technician is essential.
A piano can produce incorrect note sounds if it has broken hammers/strings or is mistuned. In any case, it’s better to consult an expert so that you can be sure your instrument is not at risk of losing its tuning for good.
To avoid encountering piano troubles, try to stay on top of your instrument’s upkeep at all times. But if you still run into an issue, don’t try to resolve it yourself instead seek professional help.